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Greetings from “all of us” at Dwelling Places
Mark 9:37 Says “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”
During the Month of August, Dwelling Places staff conducted a Monitoring visit to Karamoja to follow-up on the children under our care in both schools and the communities where the children are living to assess their progress and how the children are settling in the schools since resettlement.
The staff were amazed by the stories of change from the children on how they are settling in and how they have grown to appreciate education.
Herein below is a success story of Josephine;
In the Karamoja region, most children leave for a combination of reasons, including increased Livelihood insecurity, death of caregivers or key family members, cattle rustling, lawlessness, criminality, banditry, food insecurity, poverty, child trafficking, and the weakening or collapse of social safety nets. When these shocks occur simultaneously or in succession, children and women find that they are unable to meet their survival needs. Another factor affecting rates of out-migration from Karamoja is a snowball effect, whereby one person follows the next who follows the next, resulting in the out-migration of a network of people who share family, village, or clan connections. This snowball effect continues, in large part, because people living in Karamoja perceive their situation at home to be worse than conditions experienced by those who have departed for Kampala and elsewhere.
Josephine, a 13-year-old girl, was no exception to this plight. In 2021, Josephine was lured by friends who promised a better life in the city. From a family of 6(4Boys, 2Girls), Josephine is a victim of out-migration due to hunger at their home. She was rescued by Dwelling Places from Katwe, a city suburb that harbors street connected children in Kampala 2022.
At the time of rescue, Josephine was begging on the street. “Life was hard in Kampala because finding where to sleep was not an easy thing. I slept on the streets and sometimes it would rain at night. I am grateful for the opportunity given to study because now life is better than being on the streets begging” She stated. Her dream is to graduate from Makerere University and become a nurse.
At the time of resettlement, Josephine stated that her parents were extremely happy to receive her back because they had no idea of her whereabouts. She stays with her mother, father and siblings in Lolet, Napak.
Josephine’s performance at school is generally good that she passed her exams last year and got promoted from primary 4 to primary 5. Despite being a day scholar, Josephine’s general attendance is quite good showing willingness to study.
At Dwelling Places, we are committed to bringing back the thousands of vulnerable Karamojong children who have been trafficked or influenced by peers to migrate to Kampala streets by reaching out to them and ensuring their safe repatriation back home and facilitating sustainable reintegration. We continue to support them through our donors until every child can reach their full potential.
For he knows the plans that He has for you and they are good plans (Jeremiah 29:11); “MIRACLES ARE REAL” and we hope you are inspired by our story.
To support a child please click here
We would also like to encourage you to support us in the work we are doing to see these children secure a bright future. For more information visit our website; or our social media platforms; @DwellingPlaces on facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Any support from you will highly be appreciated. Thank you!!!
We have kickstarted our Pack-A-Bag Campaign to raise funds to provide school supplies for all 400 children in Dwelling Places care. Just £10 can provide a child in Uganda with everything they need to begin the school year, including stationery, toiletries and snacks.
We kindly ask that you support us in this endeavor to keep our dear children in school and off the streets. Click here to find out how you too can make a difference in a child's life today!
Josephine leaving her study room.